Bubble2 - Android comic book reader/Image archive viewer. Simple yet comfy.

QR: test Android comic book reader/Image archive viewer. Simple yet comfy. Open PDF, RAR, ZIP, 7Z, TAR files. Display BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP and JP2/J2K images. Based on Bubble v1.6.0 by Nazar Kanaev. Upgraded dependencies, enhancements as felt needed.

Currently it serves 1 apps. To add it to your F-Droid client, scan the QR code (click it to enlarge) or use this URL:


If you would like to manually verify the fingerprint (SHA-256) of the repository signing key, here it is:
9D BC F1 77 10 65 BB 8E B4 EA C4 30 CE FA 86 8D 1F 06 11 19 67 52 B1 1C 6E F7 4B 0E 21 5A F6 99